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Maupassant, Guy De: La confession et d'autres nouvelles. Признание и другие новеллы 
состояние: хорошее 100 руб
Maupassant, Guy De
La confession et d'autres nouvelles. Признание и другие новеллы
2001 г.; Изд-во: М.: Престо
Предназначена для изучающих французский язык и французскую литературу. Методические разработки позволяют эффективно использовать книгу в учебном процессе. Содержание: La Confession Новелла, стр. 5-12 Madame Parisse Новелла, стр. 13-22 La Legen...

Rice, Patricia: Love forever after 
состояние: отличное 100 руб
Rice, Patricia
Love forever after
Серия: Onyx
1990 г.; Изд-во: Onyx Book
Penelope read his pleasure in the way he looked at her, in the sensual line of his mouth as he kissed her again, and in the golden gleam of his eyes as he discovered her joy... Beautiful Penelope Carlisle was an untouched innocent when she wed Viscount...

Warady, Phylis: The golden swan 
состояние: отличное 100 руб
Warady, Phylis
The golden swan
Серия: A Zebra Regency Romance
1994 г.; Изд-во: Zebra books
A Worldly Rake Due to the uproar caused by gossipmongers embellishing tales of his latest tendre, Andrew Halpern, Viscount Temple, is not unduly surprised by his father's insistence that he settle down and set up his nursery. However, marrying a pennil...

Dier, Debra: Surrender the dream 
состояние: отличное 100 руб
Dier, Debra
Surrender the dream
1993 г.; Изд-во: Leisure Books
Threatened with disinheritance if she does not wed by her next birthday, Victoria Granger is resigned to making a loveless marriage until she meets handsome Texan Spence Kincaid. Original.

Atwood, Kathryn: Aurora 
состояние: хорошее 100 руб
Atwood, Kathryn
1987 г.; Изд-во: Jove Books
THEY WERE LOCKED TOGETHER IN THE PASSIONATE EMBRACE OF INTRIGUE, SCANDAL, AND DESTINY... Handsome Lord Blacklaw rescued her from the horrors of Bridewell prison--then made her his pawn in a dangerous game of intrigue and espionage. She became Lady Au...

Stewart, Marcy: My lord footman 
состояние: отличное 100 руб
Stewart, Marcy
My lord footman
Серия: A Zebra Regency Romance
1995 г.; Изд-во: Zebra books
Since her sister's kidnapping Lady Druscilla Selby's father has kept her practically under lock and key, but hiring a footman to protect her is just too insulting, even if he is handsome, fun, charming--and easy to love. Original.

Smith, Jane: The virgin and the unicorn 
состояние: отличное 100 руб
Smith, Jane
The virgin and the unicorn
1995 г.; Изд-во: Fawcett Crest Books
Resisting the charms of notorious rake Lord Rotham, Miranda is nonetheless amazed when he steals an important French artifact, but Miranda's admiration of Rotham's talents as a spy are shattered in the face of murder.

Jordan, Nicole: Ecstasy 
состояние: отличное 100 руб
Jordan, Nicole
Том 4. Ecstasy
Серия: Notorious Series. В 5 томах
2002 г.; Изд-во: Ivy Books
Having watched her mother languish away for a lost love, Raven Kendrick vows never to surrender her heart. But when her life erupts in scandal, she is forced to accept a marriage proposal from the wickedly sensuous owner of London's most notorious gami...

Andrews, Donna: You've got murder 
состояние: хорошее 100 руб
Andrews, Donna
Том 1. You've got murder
Серия: Turing Hopper Series. В 4 томах
2003 г.; Изд-во: Berkley prime crime
Turing Hopper is an Artificial Intelligence Personality, a mainframe computer with a mind like Miss Marple. And when her creator, Zack, begins missing work, the sentient Turing senses foul play...

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