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Il Cho, Hee: The Complete Master's Kick 
состояние: как новое 25000 руб
Il Cho, Hee
The Complete Master's Kick
1988 г.; Изд-во: Chos Taekwon Do Pub House
The book is presented by Master Hee Il Cho. In this book MR Hee Il Cho describes and personally demonstrates basic aspects of kicking techniques including applications, philosophy, stretching, muscle groups and preventing injuries for all athletes. T...

Il Cho, Hee: The Complete Master's Jumping Kick 
состояние: как новое 25000 руб
Il Cho, Hee
The Complete Master's Jumping Kick
1988 г.; Изд-во: Master Hee Il Cho
Applications, philosophy, stretching, muscle groups, preventing injuries, effective jumping, for all athletes. Standing in class, look at the person to your side. In his or her lifetime, he or she will meet many average people, content with mediocrity....

Il Cho, Hee: Man of Contrasts 
состояние: отличное 100000 руб
Il Cho, Hee
Man of Contrasts
1988 г.; Изд-во: Chos Taekwon Do Pub House
The book presented by Taekwon-Do Master Mr. Hee Il Cho. In this book Master Hee Il Cho describes and personally demonstrates all basic aspects of Taekwon-Do training, including various fighting techniques, weight lifting equipment training, bag trai...

Kim, Sang H.: Complete Kicking: The Ultimate Guide to Kicks for Martial Arts Self-defense 
состояние: как новое 15000 руб
Kim, Sang H.
Complete Kicking: The Ultimate Guide to Kicks for Martial Arts Self-defense
2009 г.; Изд-во: Turtle Press
COMPLETE KICKING: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO KICKS FOR MARTIAL ARTS SELF-DEFENSE & COMBAT SPORTS is a comprehensive guide to the kicks of Taekwondo from white belt to black belt and beyond. Sang H. Kim shares his expert knowledge of fundamental, jumping, sp...

Lee, Chong: Kicks for Competition 
состояние: отличное 15000 руб
Lee, Chong
Kicks for Competition
1982 г.; Изд-во: Black Belt Communications
The book presents different methods of using kicking and punching techniques for martial arts competitons. Fully illustrated. CONTENTS STRETC HING EXERCISES TECHNIQUES BASIC TO ALL KICKS BLOCKS AND PUNCHES SINGLE KICKS KICKING VARIATIONS ...

Lee, Chong: Super Dynamic Kicks Vol. III 
состояние: отличное 15000 руб
Lee, Chong
Super Dynamic Kicks Vol. III
1980 г.; Изд-во: Black Belt Communications
Lee reveals in stunning step-by-step photographs that mastering the devastating kick can be done with precision and practice. This book covers kick and punch combinations, running jumping kicks and air kick combinations. Fully illustrated. Contents ...

Lee, Chong: Advanced Explosive Kicks 
состояние: как новое 15000 руб
Lee, Chong
Advanced Explosive Kicks
1978 г.; Изд-во: Black Belt Communications
How to execute single kicks, complex kicks, sitting kicks and takedowns. Fully illustrated. Contents KICKIN G STRETCHING EXERCISES SINGLE KICKS COMPLEX KICKS SITTING KICKS TAKE DOWNS

Lee, Chong: Dynamic Kicks: Essentials for Free Fighting 
состояние: как новое 15000 руб
Lee, Chong
Dynamic Kicks: Essentials for Free Fighting
1975 г.; Изд-во: Black Belt Communications
Chong Lee is a world-famous taekwondo stylist, Thai kickboxer, and kicking expert. This book is the first in a series of books by Chong Lee, the 1974 Long Beach Grand National forms champion. Lee's proven method of developing perfect kicking techniqu...

Kukkiwon: Taekwondo Textbook 
состояние: как новое 35000 руб
Taekwondo Textbook. В 2 томах
2006 г.; Изд-во: O sung
На английском и корейском языках. To explain the basic operation of the Taekwondo poomsae scientifically Article 1. Modified Hangul and English mixed in 18 years is a supplement to the publication again. The default behavior and by presenting Taekwo...

Kei Hua, Ellen: Kung Fu Meditations and Chinese Proverbial Wisdom (Медитации Кунг-фу) 
состояние: хорошее 10000 руб
Kei Hua, Ellen
Kung Fu Meditations and Chinese Proverbial Wisdom (Медитации Кунг-фу)
1977 г.; Изд-во: Thor Publishing
A violent man will die a violent death. This will be the essence of the teaching. The aim of meditation is to achieve peace of mind and a quiet spirit. Meditation excerise is a way of life for many people in China and throughout the East. Kung Fu...

Roach, Geshe Michael: The Tibetan Book of Yoga (Тибетская книга йоги) 
состояние: как новое 15000 руб
Roach, Geshe Michael
The Tibetan Book of Yoga (Тибетская книга йоги)
2004 г.; Изд-во: Doubleday
Yoga came to Tibet from India more than a thousand years ago, and it was quickly absorbed into the culture's rich traditions. In this small book readers will discover Heart Yoga, which developed over the centuries in the Gelukpa tradition of the Dalai ...

Bertschinger, Richard: The Secret of Everlasting Life: The First Translation of the Ancient Chinese Text of Immortality 
состояние: как новое 15000 руб
Bertschinger, Richard
The Secret of Everlasting Life: The First Translation of the Ancient Chinese Text of Immortality
2010 г.; Изд-во: Singing Dragon
The Secret of Everlasting Life is the first translation from the Chinese of the second-century Can Tong Qi. This ancient work, the earliest known text on transformation and immortality, echoes the wisdom and poetry of both the Tao Te Ching and I Ching....

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