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Каталог: Мистика, эзотерика, непознанное »•» Оккультизм, магия, колдовство

Cagliastro, Sorceress: Blood Sorcery Bible


Cagliastro, Sorceress

Blood Sorcery Bible

В 2 томах

Издательство: The Original Falcon Press
Переплет: мягкий; 518 страниц; 2011 - 2013 г.
ISBN: 978-1-935150-81-7; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 28.09.2018


Volume 1: Rituals in Necromancy

A grimoire to some, an anarchist's cookbook of Blood Sorcery and Necromancy to others, the Blood Sorcery Bible is the first book of its kind to openly discuss the intricacies of Blood Sorcery from the science of self-vivisection to the combination of sexual fluids and magnetics. If you are looking for a fairy tale about wizardry or if you are seeking a deity from which to seek permission, this is not the book for you. On the other hand, if you desire to dip into the pot with your Left Hand and manipulate situations to your benefit, this is your Bible! The author has spent over twenty-five years experimenting and practicing the mechanics and physics of Blood Sorcery. The result is this manual, offered to those who are not afraid to work Dark Sorcery to create the world they envision for themselves.

Volume II: STRIKING THE TARGET The Practitioner and the Static Practice IRON - BLOOD - MAGNETICS

The Power of the Static Practice, and the utilization of Magnetic and Biological catalysts in Directional Sorcery, Necromancy and Daemon work with an extended chapter on Exorcism ADULT CONTENT Vol II in the series delivers the Science of Sorcery in a candid and powerful way using physics theories, polarities, magnetics and 'biologicals' to support the work. Cagliastro once again does not shy away from the use of "Blood and Sexual Fluids" in combination with Iron and Magnets to bring the reader to the challenge of living the life of a Sorceress. Filled with directives, rituals, Necromancy, Daemon work and supporting data, this book is anchored in the examination of the Practitioner. "The Practice can be studied year in and year out, and one can devote their entire life to understanding the enigma of the work. Yes, Sorcerers and Sorceresses - rarely do you come across a tome that asks you to look at the most vital of ingredient in the work - yourself..." from the introduction "I offer my work in larger than average print and room to write as my audience tends to study in dim light - or candlelight...and occasionally in 'unconventional' places. This book supports the magnificence of the manner and lifestyle of its most likely readership...Do not share it or lend it as it is a Sorcery Device. Smear your Blood upon it and hone it to your own self...." S/9 This book is formatted with a generous amount of space to write as it is a personal device in the study of the Science of use it you need only a pen - your Blood....Iron....Magnets....

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