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Diller, V.: Face It: What Women Really Feel as Their Looks Change


Diller, V.

Face It: What Women Really Feel as Their Looks Change

Издательство: Hay House
Переплет: твердый + суперобложка; 200 страниц; 2010 г.
ISBN: 978-1-4019-2540-6; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 22.08.2015


Let's face it: everyone's getting older. But millions of women, raised to believe that success and happiness are based on their intelligence and accomplishments, face an unexpected challenge: the physical realities of aging. If looks are not supposed to matter, why do so many women panic as their appearance changes? Their dilemma stems from two opposing societal views of beauty which lead to two different approaches to aging. Should women simply grow old naturally since their looks don't define them, or should they fight the signs of aging since beauty and youth are their currency and power? This Beauty Paradox leaves many women feeling stuck. Face It, by Vivian Diller, Ph.D., is a psychological guide to help women deal with the emotions brought on by their changing appearances. As a model turned psychotherapist, Diller has had the opportunity to examine the world of beauty from two very different vantage points. This unique perspective helped her develop a six-step program that begins with recognizing "uh-oh" moments that reveal the reality of changing looks, and goes on to identify the masks used to cover deeper issues and define the role beauty plays in a woman's life, and ends with bidding adieu to old definitions of beauty, so women can enjoy their appearance-at any age!

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Состояние: индикатор состояния хорошее; В продаже с 26.01.2016
Комментарий: Есть пометки карандашом

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