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Каталог: Мистика, эзотерика, непознанное »•» Парапсихология

Long, Kenyata; Templar, Thor: Unleash Your Extreme Occult Power


Long, Kenyata; Templar, Thor

Unleash Your Extreme Occult Power

В 2 томах

Серия: Extreme Occult Power

Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Переплет: мягкий; 266 страниц; 2017 г.
ISBN: 978-1-5465-7022-6; Формат: энциклопедический
Язык: английский
На сайте с 04.10.2018


Extreme Occult Powers have been sought after by occultists and average people alike since the beginning of time. Man has always been intrigued with the facet of occultism because it provides the most immediate feedback of one's development. For the first time ever, The Intergalactic Guild Of Occult Sciences presents to the world the first course that completely opens the world of extreme abilities wide in plain language that everyone can understand. This is the first volume of its kind to combine Next Level Occultism Sigil Technology with Bio-physical energy development. In this first of three explosive volumes focused solely on the development of extreme occult abilities.
Volume 1 contains secrets and techniques for the following abilities: How to teleport your physical body. How to Levitate. The art of bio-physical pk shielding. Luck enhancement with bio-physical force. Secrets of Psychokinesis enhancement. How to properly increase your will-power with Bio-physical energy. All of the secrets listed here and much more are revealed in this unique compendium of bio-physical energy manipulation. These books are alive and keyed in to your unique energy signature, meaning that they they send you powerful energies 24/7 to help you empower your practices to the highest levels possible for you.
Unleash Your Extreme Occult Powers Volume 2 A secret process to increase your remote viewing skills by at least 50% The process behind the materialization of thought-forms How to become intangible like a ghost The secrets behind the art of Physical Possession Secrets of Deep Mind Reading Powerful Secrets to enhance your psychokinetic abilities How to perform rapid healing How to increase your telepathic hypnosis abilities dramatically Secrets of extending your longevity to grow younger and live longer. You'll gain access to all of these secrets and more in this powerful volume filled with rare information. As with all Intergalactic Guild Of Occult Sciences Next Level Occultism tools, this book is registered to the student and connected to their personal energy fields and from that point on the book empowers them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, the student receives LIFETIME support in the use of this and other Guild products.

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