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Каталог: Мистика, эзотерика, непознанное »•» Оккультизм, магия, колдовство

Cagliastro, Sorceress: Blood Sorcery Bible Volume 1.5 NEW FINDINGS


Cagliastro, Sorceress

Blood Sorcery Bible Volume 1.5 NEW FINDINGS

Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Переплет: мягкий; 442 страниц; 2018 г.
ISBN: 978-1-986246-00-2; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 21.03.2024


Blood Sorcery Bible, NEW FINDINGS, Volume1.5 442 PAGES Your Blood, Your Pleasure, Magnetics, Daemons and the manipulation of the Dead BLOOD, flowing though your vessel, is the only SACRED ELIXIR you will ever require..... This book has been WRITTEN WITH 7 YEARS OF NEW DATA There are now three Blood Sorcery Bibles Vol 1 and THIS ONE , Vol 1.5 addressing the beauty and techniques of Blood Sorcery specifically. Vol 2, STRIKING THE TARGET begins discussions on the additional pillars. Compare them, consume them, explore the advancements, and fulfill yourself via the Science of Sorcery..." Students should have all Blood Sorcery Bibles in order to study how the work has advanced, and to have a full library of directives. If I make an agreement that ANY being has a power over me – then I am making an agreement that ALL beings do. BSBV1.5, THIS BOOK is A Treatment On Manipulating Life Force, Communication With The Disincarnate And Daemons And On The Science Of Blood Sorcery & Magnetics "There is always new data in the work, so here with sit with a book building on advances in the work. 442 PAGES. SORCERY, does not require "courage" it requires an unquenchable desire for PLEASURE."I have utilized these seven years to elevate the work. During harvest, Blood struggles to maintain life with the force of a captive animal and in that struggle it releases powerful energy which is the BATTERY of Blood Sorcery. "Blood Sorcery is the only absolute Sorcery with no need for external tools. The only Sacred Elixir we will ever need flows within us, as the iron it harbors proves us to already be a vital part of Blood's magnificent magnetic equation." As there was no editor on this book – there maybe an occasional typo.... you are most likely to survive it... FROM THE BSBV1.5 "PROCRASTINATION is not a pause, it is a fail or defeat you can live with because it has a big word as a name. It is the ugly stepsister of "try". They both live in a filthy house left free to them by their dead mother, filled with garbage, hording plastic bags and old newspapers and not getting anything done. Do you rent a room in that house? Asking for a friend....." The only Elixir we will ever need flows within us and we are already part of its magnificent magnetic equation. TO BE CLEAR - It is irrelevant to me if you "believe" in religions or not. My purpose here is to tell you that you cannot serve two masters - and as Sorcerers you should not serve ANY masters. You can run with the fox OR the hounds... ON PLEASURE The PERFORMING of BLOOD SORCERY, does not require "courage" – it requires an unquenchable desire for PLEASURE. If I make an agreement that ANY being has a power over me – then I am making an agreement that ALL beings do.

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