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Simmons, John: The Invisible Grail: In Search of the True Language of Brands


Simmons, John

The Invisible Grail: In Search of the True Language of Brands

Издательство: Texere Publishing
Переплет: твердый + суперобложка; 224 страниц; 2003 г.
ISBN: 978-1-58799-156-1; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 28.07.2017


The one thing all businesses desire is affection between themselves and their customers. It is the Holy Grail of the branding world. But where do businesses begin their quest? In today's highly competitive global marketing environment, big brands are vulnerable. Consumers are bombarded with visual imagery and they are becoming immune. "The Invisible Grail" proposes a new approach. The secret to creating affection lies in the power of words and storytelling. John Simmons is an expert in the use of words in business. In "The Invisible Grail", he demonstrates and analyses the effect of word power through his own experiences, and those of leading brands such as Guinness, Ben & Jerry's and Starbucks. He also profiles innovative companies such as Innocent and Lush, to show the hugely positive impact that the effective use of words can have. "The Invisible Grail" offers a practical path to unlocking the hidden resources within every brand's story.

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