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Kasparov, Garry и др.: Kasparov against the World


Kasparov, Garry и др.

Kasparov against the World

Издательство: New York: Published by KasparovChess Online
Переплет: твердый + суперобложка; 202 страниц; 2000 г.
ISBN: 0-9704813-0-6; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 10.04.2021


In 1999, world chess champion Garry Kasparov challenged the world to a game in the Microsoft Zone, and the world put up an amazing fight! Millions of participants and tens of thousands of players logged in to follow what turned into one of the most amazing chess games of all time. Read world number one Garry Kasparov’s own day-to-day account of the most high-profile chess game in history in this diary-format, hard cover edition of Kasparov Against the World. With a forward written by Bill Gates and a diagram for every move, Kasparov highlights the critical points in the game as Kasparov and the World struggled through four months of fascinating game play. The true behind-the-scenes account of an event now hailed as among the most memorable and powerful moments in chess and Internet history.

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