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Ashby, Muata: Initiation Into Egyptian Yoga and Neterian Spirituality 
состояние: как новое 15000 руб
Ashby, Muata
Initiation Into Egyptian Yoga and Neterian Spirituality
2005 г.; Изд-во: Sema Institute
INITIATION INTO EGYPTIAN YOGA The Secrets of Sheti: Sheti (Shedi): Spiritual discipline or program, to study the mystery teachings and literature profoundly, to penetrate the mysteries. The Personal Daily Program of Prayers, Exercises and Meditati...

Chia, Mantak; Jan, Andrew: Tai Chi Fa Jin: Advanced Techniques for Discharging Chi Energy 
состояние: отличное 15000 руб
Chia, Mantak; Jan, Andrew
Tai Chi Fa Jin: Advanced Techniques for Discharging Chi Energy
2012 г.; Изд-во: Destiny Books
A guide to the seemingly effortless yet explosively powerful martial art techniques of Fa Jin • Explains how to collect energy within and discharge it for self-defense as well as healing • Explores how to counter the natural instinct to resist ...

Conway, John: A Chinese Formula for Eternal Youth 
состояние: отличное 15000 руб
Conway, John
A Chinese Formula for Eternal Youth
2004 г.; Изд-во: Finbarr Intrnational
YOU CAN DEFEAT TIME AND FREE YOURSELF FROM THE FEAR OF DEGENERATIVE DISEASE. For years the author suffered from fatigue and all manner of health complaints. Then he stumbled on a formula, thought to have originated in China, for rejuvenating the bod...

Danaos, Kosta: Nei Kung: The Secret Teachings of the Warrior Sages 
состояние: как новое 15000 руб
Danaos, Kosta
Nei Kung: The Secret Teachings of the Warrior Sages
2002 г.; Изд-во: Inner Traditions
Explains the science behind the practice of nei kung, the elemental nature of yin and yang energy--the two components of ch'i, and how learning to control the yang energy in our ch'i can result in the release of dynamic energy. • Establishes the ex...

Van Gelder, James: Enter Mo Pai: The Ancient Training of the Immortals 
состояние: отличное 15000 руб
Van Gelder, James
Enter Mo Pai: The Ancient Training of the Immortals
2015 г.; Изд-во: James Van Gelder
Enter Mo Pai: The Ancient Training of the Immortals dives into the world of Mo Pai, a legendary internal cultivation system that has been secretly handed down by successions of meditation masters for well over 2,000 years. The path of Mo Pai develops t...

Bertschinger, Richard: The Secret of Everlasting Life: The First Translation of the Ancient Chinese Text of Immortality 
состояние: как новое 15000 руб
Bertschinger, Richard
The Secret of Everlasting Life: The First Translation of the Ancient Chinese Text of Immortality
2010 г.; Изд-во: Singing Dragon
The Secret of Everlasting Life is the first translation from the Chinese of the second-century Can Tong Qi. This ancient work, the earliest known text on transformation and immortality, echoes the wisdom and poetry of both the Tao Te Ching and I Ching....

Wilson, Paul: The Little Book of Calm at Work 
состояние: отличное 100 руб
Wilson, Paul
The Little Book of Calm at Work
1999 г.; Изд-во: Penguin
What if your weekdays could feel as relaxed and easygoing as your weekends? ‘The Little Book of Calm at Work' is designed to bring some of that weekend magic into your working week. With page after page of inspired thoughts, this delightful little ge...

Field, Lynda: 60 ways to change your life 
состояние: отличное 100 руб
Field, Lynda
60 ways to change your life
2000 г.; Изд-во: Vermillion
A pocket sized personal development book, and sequel to 60 Ways to Feel Amazing. It offers advice on enhancing life by methods such as discovering core values, being original and getting noticed as well as pleasure seeking and seizing the moment.

Cheung, Theresa: 100 Ways to Boost Your Energy 
состояние: как новое 200 руб
Cheung, Theresa
100 Ways to Boost Your Energy
2008 г.; Изд-во: Harper Collins
Do you feel mentally or physically drained, or just in need of a good pick-me-up? Energy is essential in today's sleep-deprived, overstretched, high-speed world, but how can you recharge your batteries when there is a constant drain on your energy leve...

Kei Hua, Ellen: Kung Fu Meditations and Chinese Proverbial Wisdom (Медитации Кунг-фу) 
состояние: хорошее 10000 руб
Kei Hua, Ellen
Kung Fu Meditations and Chinese Proverbial Wisdom (Медитации Кунг-фу)
1977 г.; Изд-во: Thor Publishing
A violent man will die a violent death. This will be the essence of the teaching. The aim of meditation is to achieve peace of mind and a quiet spirit. Meditation excerise is a way of life for many people in China and throughout the East. Kung Fu...

Ashby, Muata: EGYPTIAN YOGA: African Religion Volume 2- Theban Theology 
состояние: отличное 15000 руб
Ashby, Muata
EGYPTIAN YOGA: African Religion Volume 2- Theban Theology
1997-2005 г.; Изд-во: C.M. Book Publishing
EGYPTIAN YOGA: African Religion Volume 2- Theban Theology. In this long awaited sequel to Egyptian Yoga: The Philosophy of Enlightenment you will take a fascinating and enlightening journey back in time and discover the teachings which constituted the ...

Roach, Geshe Michael: The Tibetan Book of Yoga (Тибетская книга йоги) 
состояние: как новое 15000 руб
Roach, Geshe Michael
The Tibetan Book of Yoga (Тибетская книга йоги)
2004 г.; Изд-во: Doubleday
Yoga came to Tibet from India more than a thousand years ago, and it was quickly absorbed into the culture's rich traditions. In this small book readers will discover Heart Yoga, which developed over the centuries in the Gelukpa tradition of the Dalai ...

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