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Каталог: Искусство, культура »•» Архитектура

Khan-Magomedov, Selim: Nikolay Ladovsky. Heroes of Avant-Garde


Khan-Magomedov, Selim

Nikolay Ladovsky. Heroes of Avant-Garde

Серия: Кумиры авангарда

Издательство: М.: sergey e. gordeev
Переплет: твердый; 304 страниц; 2011 г.
ISBN: 978-5-433-00009-4; Формат: увеличенный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 24.09.2018


Nikolai Ladovsky, outstanding Soviet architect, was the creative leader of rationalism, a prestigious Avant-garde architectural trend of the 1920's, the founder of Association of New Architects and Association of Urbanist Architects, vkhutemas professor. Ladovsky has the decisive influence of on the entire modern architecture, the urban planning theory, methods of teaching architecture in art schools. This book is the most complete publication on Nikolai Laclovsky's creative] work intended for architects, art historians, designers, students of architectural, construction and art universities and colleges.

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