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Каталог: Общество, политика, религия »•» Марксизм, ленинизм, сталинизм

Roberts, Geoffrey: The Soviet Union in World Politics: Coexistence, Revolution and Cold War, 1945–1991


Roberts, Geoffrey

The Soviet Union in World Politics: Coexistence, Revolution and Cold War, 1945–1991

Серия: The Making of the Contemporary World

Издательство: Routledge
Переплет: мягкий; 144 страниц; 1999 г.
ISBN: 978-0-415-14435-3; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 03.11.2017


The Soviet Union in World Politics provides an introductory history of Soviet foreign policy and international relations from 1945 to the end of the Cold War and the break up of the USSR. The book summarizes historical and political controversies about Soviet foreign policy and brings the latest research to bear on these debates.
The Soviet Union in World Politics interprets the latest evidence available from the Soviet archives and includes
* summaries of the main events in Soviet Policy from 1917-1945
* a framework for student discussion of relevant issues
* guides to further reading and research
* exploration of the role of ideology in the Cold War
* discussion of Stalin's role in the formulation of policy.

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