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[автора нет]: Libro de Horas de la Virgen Tejedora


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Libro de Horas de la Virgen Tejedora

В 2 томах

Издательство: Barcelona: Millennium Liber
Переплет: кожаный; 571 страниц; 2002 г.
ISBN: 84-932516-2-3; Формат: стандартный
Язык: латинский
На сайте с 22.11.2016


Эталонное научное факсимильное издание. Второй том - научный аппарат! Пронумеровано и нотариально удостоверен каждый экземпляр. Футляр.

The LIBRO DE HORAS DE LA VIRGEN TEJEDORA, illuminated manuscript inv. 15452 of the Lázaro Galdiano Foundation in Madrid, is made up of 178 sheets ( = 356 pages) , size mm 144 x 197, fully illuminated and decorated in gold leaf, probably realized in France around 1450. The facsimile edition of Millennium Liber (Madrid – Barcelona) , co-published by Il Bulino in Italy, is printed on special parchment paper; hand-binded with vegetable thread, as Renaissance craftsmen did, leather binding and velvet case, Spanish 216-page commentary by Elisa Ruiz García. Exclusive unique printrun of 995 copies, each numbered and certified by notarial act. The Italian coedition reserved to Il Bulino is presented with an abstract of the commentary volume in Italian edited by Mauro Bini and Francesca Portanova. The weaving VirginThe codex, perfectly preserved, owes its name to the illumination on f.91 that represents the Virgin sitting on the loom. Gothic script characterizes this codex and all sheets are decorated with wide frames on the borders. The 15 full-page miniatures visually divide the parts that usually composed prayer books. According to the in-depth study by Elisa Ruiz García and the scientific comment by François Avril, this codex was realized in a Parisian workshop aroud mid-1400, in the golden period of the French-Flamish illumination. The Lázaro Galdiano FoundationThe manuscript is held in the prestigious Foundation in Madrid, named after Lázaro Galdiano, famous scholar and collector, in 1947.The library is one of the richest in Spain and stands out for its medieval codices and for the huge amount of documents and works concerning Iberian literature.

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