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Мулчандани, Д.: Kama Sutra


Мулчандани, Д.

Kama Sutra

Издательство: Roli Books
Переплет: твердый; 320 страниц; 2008 г.
ISBN: 978-81-7436-663-4; Формат: оч. большой
Язык: русский
На сайте с 19.11.2012


Is the "Kama Sutra", the ancient world's most famous book on erotic love, still relevant to the needs and concerns of modern man in the twenty-first century? In an era where the shelves of bookshops bulge with manuals promising better sex, is there still place for the "Kama Sutra" which many people believe is no more than a hoary guidebook to improbable positions in sexual intercourse? Yes, at one time, during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when the reigning Victorian morality sought to subordinate sexuality to the crude purposefulness of reproduction alone, the "Kama Sutra" might have had a role in rescuing sexual pleasure from its biological function. But today, with the tectonic shifts in sexual morality and behaviour during the last century, when the social forces and the moral orders that would keep sexuality tied to reproduction and fertility are no longer of such fateful import, at least in what is known as the "modern West? (and its enclaves in the more traditional societies around the world), is there still a need to become better acquainted with the "Kama Sutra".

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