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Каталог: Хобби, коллекционирование »•» Настольные игры

Белов, И.: Anthology of chess beauty


Белов, И.

Anthology of chess beauty

Издательство: Москва: Сатурн-С
Переплет: мягкий; 442 страниц; 1996 г.
ISBN: 5-8468-0045-9; Формат: увеличенный
Язык: русский
На сайте с 05.08.2020


Anthology of chess beauty (оригинальное название.

Антология шахматной красоты.
Авторы: И. Белов, А. Шакаров, В. Цатурян, Л. Виленский.

Сборник объединяет шахматные партии, отмеченные различными призами и отличиями в соревнованиях с 1876 по 1995 гг. Большая часть из приведенных в книге 1640 партий прокомментирована авторами сборника. Книга поможет любителям шахмат глубже познать истоки шахматной красоты.
На английском языке.
Тираж 2 000.

The idea of beauty in chess is closely connected with our understanding of chess as a wide sphere of human culture and art. Not only for brilliant strokes or bright combinational ideas we are impressed by formidable games played by outstanding masters: depth of logic in positional play, refined technique of exploiting an advantage, lelgant implementation of strategical ideas are no less attractive. A point of a chess combination attracts both an ordinary amateur and an experienced profy. The eventual possibility of sacrificial combinations is what makes ches so impressive. The major part of these 1640 games are annotated by ourselves.
Garry Kasparov: "This book will undoubtedly find a special place among fundamental works on chess esthetics and beauty. It contains a great amount of awarded games – plenty of material for studies in all aspects of chess.
The principle of the selection is very democratic – together with grandmaster games, there are many nice examples of play originating from games by amateurs.
The enormous effort in systematization and analysis of games made by the authors deserves all respect and gratitude".
The collection combines chess games marked with various prizes and distinctions in competitions from 1876 to 1995. Most of the 1640 games listed in the book are commented on by the authors of the collection. The book will help chess fans to learn more about the origins of chess beauty.

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